Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Some useful commands and informations

openssh is a free package that installs a minimal OpenSSH server and client utilities.It provides SSH/SCP/SFTP support.

This is used to copy files from local system to other remote system.Command is

scp filename user@host:path

e.g. scp test.html prethesh@

If we want to login to another machine,if they are having ssh running on their system,then we can use this command

ssh -l username host

e.g. ssh -l prethesh This -l is for login

We can run commands in the logged in machine.

ssh [options] host [commands].

To Checkout a module from a CVS repository and update that module:-

cvs login :-
cvs -d :pserver:username@hostname:/cvspath login
This is for login.

cvs checkout:-
cvs -d :pserver:username@hostname:/cvspath checkout modulename
This is for checkout a module.

If we have already logged in means,run this command to checkout

cvs checkout modulename

cvs update:-
cvs update -d
-d is for updating the older files and newly created files.


How to include css file in a html/jsp page

#link rel="stylesheet" href="path_of_css_file" type="text/css" >

To show the image in URL
#link rel="stylesheet" href="path_of_image_file" type="text/css"$

The way of including style in html/jsp page

u {
text-decoration:none!important; font-style:italic!important; }

div.draggable {
background-color: #BBCCDD;
color: #000;
background-color: #ffffd3;
cursor: pointer;

How to include javascript in html/jsp page

#script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src ="path_of_js_file">#/script$

Replace # with '<' and $ with '>'. Blogger is not supporting this.Because it is also in the html format.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Knowledge Transfer Starts..............................
This is the first post from myside. This blog is created to share and save the valuable information and knowledge. From here the knowledge transfer will starts.........................