Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Some useful commands and informations

openssh is a free package that installs a minimal OpenSSH server and client utilities.It provides SSH/SCP/SFTP support.

This is used to copy files from local system to other remote system.Command is

scp filename user@host:path

e.g. scp test.html prethesh@

If we want to login to another machine,if they are having ssh running on their system,then we can use this command

ssh -l username host

e.g. ssh -l prethesh This -l is for login

We can run commands in the logged in machine.

ssh [options] host [commands].

To Checkout a module from a CVS repository and update that module:-

cvs login :-
cvs -d :pserver:username@hostname:/cvspath login
This is for login.

cvs checkout:-
cvs -d :pserver:username@hostname:/cvspath checkout modulename
This is for checkout a module.

If we have already logged in means,run this command to checkout

cvs checkout modulename

cvs update:-
cvs update -d
-d is for updating the older files and newly created files.


How to include css file in a html/jsp page

#link rel="stylesheet" href="path_of_css_file" type="text/css" >

To show the image in URL
#link rel="stylesheet" href="path_of_image_file" type="text/css"$

The way of including style in html/jsp page

u {
text-decoration:none!important; font-style:italic!important; }

div.draggable {
background-color: #BBCCDD;
color: #000;
background-color: #ffffd3;
cursor: pointer;

How to include javascript in html/jsp page

#script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src ="path_of_js_file">#/script$

Replace # with '<' and $ with '>'. Blogger is not supporting this.Because it is also in the html format.

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